
Question about a railroad track laborer position?

by  |  earlier

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I have been offered a position as a track laborer by bnsf. I know about being on call and the hours but I want to know is what to exspect. How often would I have to travel and how much and how often would i work overtime. How hard is the job. I have no problem with all this but I would like to know as much as possible about this job.




  1. husband works for IORY and let me tell you, it sucks, he has no life, works long hours, on call, gets stuck in motels...but the money is great. take the good with the bad! (6 years and going strong)

  2. My grandfather worked at Maine Central Railroad for over 30 years at a laborer.  He did just about every job there was to do.  He said it was very labor intensive, and that you do earn your money.  He gave up farming around here because he could make more money working for the rail road.  He did earn a good living, and was able to support his family very well as a result.  The railroad always took care of us, and I would recommend a job to anyone.  The only other question is Union or Non-Union?  When the union tried to take over here they almost killed the railroad.  Just my thoughts, hope they help.

  3. Deeman,

    I'm sorry I cannot answer your question, as I am trying desperately to get hired on BNSF.  I have an interview in 3 days and I wanted some advice from someone who just went through the interview process  and got an offer.  Please email me so we can collaborate on this I would really appreciate it.


  4. I worked for csx for 20 years. The job is THE hardest that i ever did. THIS includes roofing bricklaying etc I had to travel a lot but i worked 4 10;s most of the time and got 3 day weekends.  The job can be quite rewarding if you are noy lazy.

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