
Question about a re-occuring dream?

by Guest56559  |  earlier

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So, I've had the same dream, every few years, since I was little. Basically it starts in someones house (always someone that I know). Once it was my childhood house, but after that it's been at my dad's house (him & my mom got divorced). I'm going to look for something in a room. And when I look in the closet I see a secret passageway/door. I open the door to this secret apartment. The thing is, EVERYTHING is white. Now, what I am wearing turned white, the walls, the furniture, appliances, carpet. EVERYTHING. Each time I get called back before I can go any further. Any thoughts?




  1. strange dream.  i often have dreams that re-occur, but not as strange as that!  maybe the reason for the different houses is because your mind is trying to remember the memories that you had in those houses.  and so much for the apartment, maybe it is showing you something that you are going to see or have already seen and have partly blocked it out of your mind.

    e-mail me if you have anymore STRANGE dreams.

  2. i'm a psychology major and have ben doing dream interpretations for a while as a hobby.  usually reoccurring dreams mean that there is an unresolved conflict in our life.  this dream will keep reoccurring (maybe not the same way each time) until you figure out what is wrong and fix it.  

    secret passageways usually represent new experiences in your life.  since you are interrupted before you are able to explore the passageway, it probably means that you are unsure how to take advantage of new opportunities.  the color white represents purity.  no quite clear on how it relates to you dream.  it could be a whole different issue.

    i suggest on trying to explore the passageway, it could provide more hints.  but it seems like each time you are called back, you have no choice.  this means you need to make your dream into a lucid dream.  these dreams are when you are able to talk full control of your dream.  you can do whatever you want.

    dream interpretation is not an exact science and should be taken with a grain of salt.  

  3. When you dream about houses you are dreaming about you.  The rooms represent the different parts and phases of your life.  Sometimes there will be feelings attached to the houses and the rooms and these represent your feelings.

    The secret room is a part of you that no-one else sees, it is a secret and you may not be ready to reveal this part of yourself  to the world yet, or you may not even want to.  

    White can represent many things, purity or a spiritual realm or  the unknown future.  Think of it as a blank canvas or parts of you that you haven't explored, this could be a sign that you are not experienced or mature enough but when you are, the dream will reveal its intention.

    Perhaps you aren't ready for what the dream is telling you and you are blind to the truth or do not want to see and blinded by truth or love.

    Dreams with a recurring theme are usually a sign that we aren't listening to our inner selves, in this instance look inwards for instruction  or you intuition (your inner teacher).  

    When you stop having the dream it means that you have learnt the lesson and understand the message and you will go on with the next lesson that life offers.

    Hope this helps.

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