
Question about a shooting situation?

by  |  earlier

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ok so if i was in a school shooting and i took the gun away from the shooter and he was in close enough range should i shoot him or no cuz wouldnt he just kill more people? would i get charged for it? what would happen? and dont ask why i am asking this question.




  1. ...its really unknown how anyone would react in a situation like that where the stress is extreme and real...but if it happened the way you describe then the shooter would probably be in such a state that he wouldn't just surrender and you would be forced to "neutralize the threat"...the investigation would determine if you would be charged with any crime...personally, I think anyone who stops such a thing should get an award...

  2. If you took his gun away he wouldn't really be shooting anyone else, would he? You'd have his gun.

    You could get charged. The chances would be slim though in such a circumstance.

  3. Kill Them both It is the right thing to do.   And Shooting yourself in the head is stupid.

  4. if you were in any serious threat like if he was coming for you and took out a knife yes you should in self defense.  first to show it was self defense you should tell the person you have the gun and if he comes any closer you will shot then if he does go ahead. lol my dads a state trooper i have talked to him about this before . the fact of the matter is to prove it is self defense you must warn them that you will shot or have a weapon so they have a chance to surrender

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