
Question about a tattoo that is in latin?

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okay i have a pretty heart tattoo with 'sanctimonia' in the middle its latin for charity who is my ex-lover , now my boyfriend just now noticed that tattoo and got jealous fast and so i told him its his name for our one year anniversery which is chris which does not look too much different in latin as charity does. Was i wrong to do that or is it like what he dont know wont hurt him?




  1. Lol at getting someone's name tattooed on you.

    That was a pretty shady thing to do. I would have would have told him the truth. Lying in a relationship is not healthy.

  2. What he don't know won't hurt him.  

  3. Tell him the truth. If you are going to lie about something so stupid and little like that, then what's going to happen if something bigger comes up. Fess up and tell him it was a stupid idea to get a guys name tattooed on you, and it is all in the past. My bet is he will be more pissed at the fact that you lied, rather than being mad about a past mistake. Or atleast I know that would be my issue.

  4. Well if it says "Charity" you can say it means Charity. The word charity (as in helping less fortunate people) could be a good idea for a tattoo, and then it wouldnt have to be anyone's name.

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