
Question about a tooth extraction.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting a tooth extraction in a little over 13 hours or so. But I was wondering, does it actually hurt? What exactly do they do? What are the steps they do to extract a tooth? And finally will the numbing stop my extra sensitive gag reflexes? Sorry about asking all these questions but I'm extremely nervous. Thank you all.




  1. It depends on if the doctor is going to be putting you to sleep or simply getting you numb.

    I assume they will be getting you numb for the extraction.  In that case, you will feel them give you a shot of local anesthetic to get you numb, but after that you shouldn't feel any pain.  You will feel some pressure and pushing, but those things should not hurt you, although they will feel strange.

    If your gag reflex is still active, ask the doctor to stop and refer you to an oral surgeon who can put you to sleep to extract the tooth.

    Don't be nervous, they should take good care of you, you'll do fine!

  2. i have had only one tooth pulled and it was really hurting me and when i went to the dentist after he numbed my gums i never even knew if the tooth was still there or if it was gone i hope that this can help you with your fears there is really nothing to it

  3. You should be given a local aesthetic while a good doctor will extract it within probably less than a minute or two. Make sure he gives you an antibiotic to prevent any possible infection. You will have some normal bleeding for awhile which will soon pass. Insist on only a local aesthetic which will not put you to sleep. Believe me, there is nothing to it. Just do NOT let them put you to sleep. Signed by someone who has been there.  

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