
Question about a verruca =S ??

by  |  earlier

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O.K. It's the first day of school tomorrow and I have P.E =( We don't do anything on our first P.E class, but we have to get checked for verruca's =S ...and I have one =( I hate having to say in front of the class that I have one, is there any way I can get rid of it by tomorrow ??

BTW. I live in Irelnad and it is now 21:08 pm so I need a solution fast =S lol

Please help...I use "Bazooka" but it never works =(

Please help !!!




  1. Ermmm thats a tuff one, go round the house trying to find stuff to hide it like foundation and stuff, if you cant find anything then just have a word with the teacher before class, im sure they'll understand, Good Luck!!!

  2. Put a plaster over it and say you have one but is is getting treated  don't worry it is nothing to be embarrassed about everyone gets one sometime in there life

  3. is this actually a real question?

    what the h**l are verruca's???

    and in america, bazooka is a type of bubble gum :o

    see when i read the title of the question i thought you had a question about the character verruca from willy wonka and the chocolate factory

    *oh it's a planter's wart?

    then why didn't you just say that

    this article says that those are caused by the HPV virus

    is HPV really common in ireland?

    because HPV is a leading cause of cervical cancer, but that's probably only if it's on the genital area

    thumbs downs?

    .....whatevs... at least someone realized i'm right

  4. Mm.. is it really obvious?

    Cos we had a suprise test and mine was just a wee one and i said that it wasnt a verruca and i'd stood on a pin a few days ago.. and it made that hole in my foot.

    Everyone including the teacher believed me. And as soon as i got home i went to the pharmacy and the assistant told me to buy this home freezing kit, and it was gone in like a day.

    If it's a big one then.. just tell the teacher you're going to the doctors tomorrow after school to get it frozen off by him.. then do it yourself.. or make an appointment!

  5. Sorry but treatment can last a couple of months, you  must keep perservering with the Bazooka and keep filing the Verucca away.  

    Good luck for tomorrow but you will still have the verucca.  If you are worried go to your doctors and he can freeze it off professionally for you.

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