
Question about abortion and murder?

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OK I have heard that many Aborted babies are still alive after they are removed from the mother, if this is true why isn't it considered murder when the Doctor finishes them off with a poisonous cocktail of drugs




  1. This is untrue. Very very few aborted babies are still alive after they are removed.  

  2. Because it's bullsh**t and you're a troll. Posting questions like this all over Yahoo.I have seen them.

    Get a life you wanker!

  3. all abortions that are not medically necessary SHOULD be considered murder, IMO..

    I'm planning to do my part (however bad the odds are) to change legislation to make abortion illegal in all cases except medical necessity and rape.  

  4. Life begins at conception. If we are going to allow abortion why stop at birth?

    A parent should be able to "abort" anytime up to say 16. Kid is dis-respective take'em out back and abort them.---Think about it, it would solve a lot of problems.

  5. This happens very infrequently.

    it is against the law:

    this law was approved by congress and signed into law by President bush in 2002:

    it's called HR2175 Born-Alive Infants Protection Act:

    here is the text of the summary

  6. that is merely another ploy by the Compulsory Pregnancy movement invented to tug at peoples emotions to inspire them to poke their noses into others peoples personal matters

    these people that are so worried about "protecting life" should be collecting little wastebaskets out of the womens bathrooms and bring them to labs in case there are "little snowflakes" that can be salvaged

  7. TRUE!

    That is why Congress passed a law that protects babies that are left alive after an abortion attempt, it is called BAIPA, Born Alive Infants Protection Act, the senate approved it unanimously.

    Sadly and almost unbelievably, Barack Obama not only opposed the Illinois version of this law, he held it in his committee so that it would not even get a chance to get a vote. It only passed when Obama left.

    This law was a result of babies left unattended to die, after they survived a late term abortion or a partial birth abortion attempt.  Can you imagine having the cold blood to leave a baby to die? In a soiled linen closet? Obama cared more about so called "abortion rights" than the fate of new born babies.

    My view is that a fetus, is alive and as it does not share the mother's DNA or sometimes not even her blood type, he/she cannot be just an inanimate part of the mother, the baby is a developing human being. Just because you cannot see it yet, does not mean it is not a person, so I do consider abortion to be murder.

  8. Theyre alive when theyre inside the womb, it is murder to kill it

  9. Stop believing everything you hear!

  10. It is considered murder. Aborting a baby is like killing it. You are basically tampering with nature. Abortion is a human-made concept. It is illegal under God's eyes. And those who do it or let it happen will pay. It's just that the goverment doesn't give a d**n about abortion, so therefore they don't consider it illegal. You know abortion is illegal in some countries like Mexico. Did you know approximatley 1,500,000 babies a year are aborted. I saw a movie about how abortion is done, and it's not pleasant how the babies come out. They're humans for God's sake, not toys or animals. Even in animals it wouldn't be pleasant. I hope the next president illegalizes abortion for good wether baby is alive or dead.

  11. Because liberals have watered down the situation with the word "Choice" as though women don't have any say in whether or not they got pregnant in the first place.

    Baby Murder is Baby Murder, inside or outside of the womb.

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