
Question about abortion?

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Has anyone ever done abortion? I am in 4th week of my pregnancy and I really need to make abortion. I desperately need some advices from those who has done this before. Please let me know about the procedure, pain, after-abortion details, etc......

:( Thanks.




  1. Never !

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant with a beautiful baby girl !

  2. If the doctor is good, it doesn't hurt when it happens. You will have some bleeding after. You will need to rest. I would not recommend it because it is something that should be done only to save the mother's life. You will regret it if it is done for any other reason.

  3. If you really want to feel so bad about it that you want to kill yourself later, then go ahead.  You are going to regret it for the rest of your life.  Put it up for adoption.  There are thousands of couples out there who are dying to have a child and can't.

  4. I wouldnt have an abortion its a gift from god not just something you have the choice to get rif of (kill) Just think about it!!


  5. I haven't had an abortion but I had to have a DNC(which is kind of the same) because my baby died when I was about 3 months along. However I remember it hurting some, lots of pressure. By the second day I was feeling a lot better physically. I was treated in a very good hospital, so I'm not sure if the clinics have the best bed side manner.  

  6. Killing an innocent child isn't the answer to your problems.  Your problem began when you had unprotected s*x, and now you're going to take it out on someone who has no say in the matter.  Ask yourself this, "If I was that child, would I want to have a say in whether I was aborted or not?"  The answer would be YES, I would want to have a say, and NO, I don't want to be aborted.  Would you like to have someone else holding a death penalty over you?  Let the child live.  If you don't want it, that's fine, but let some other loving couple bring it up as their own, and let it be loved and kissed and hugged.  Face up to your responsibility as a human being, and bring the child into the world.  You'll be very happy that you did, and your child will be very happy that you did.  God bless you.

  7. dont listen to the people who are being negative.

    im 18 and am having a baby boy in a couple of weeks..

    but when i was 16, my boyfriend and i got a little lazy and i wound up pregnant *this is the same guy im still with today*

    we decided an abortion was best because i wouldnt be able to let go of something i kept in me for 9 months and just give it away..

    the procedure cost me 406 dollars at planned parenthood and its not what i expected at all.

    first they will set you up with a greivance counselor to talk to you and make sure its truly what you want to do, and they will give you options for after abortion counseling (Which i HIGHLY recommend)

    they give you some medicine to calm your nerves, do an ultrasound to see how far you are *i was 5weeks 5days* and then they talk to you about the procedure.

    then you go into the procedure room and lay on a bed/operating table (its just like in a dr office) and they insert a vacuum and some other things and abort the pregnancy. im not going to go into detail because to this day it still makes me cry.

    but i knew it was what was best, and as much as i feel like i regret it, i know i wouldn't have been the mom i could be. i was just too young.

    but i do recommend post-abortion greivance counseling..

    it may not hit you at first, or even at all. but its been 2 years for me and i still have dreams and nightmares and i still stress about it.

    Oh! they will also give you some medicine after to help you recoup and they will tell you to drink lots of water and take it easy.

    its surgery- you have to give yourself time to heal.

    you'll most likely bleed for a day or two (i bled for 2 days. mildly though) but it's nothing big.

    the pain was bad for me only because i dont take well to pain medication, so the meds they gave me in the beginning didnt work with me. i felt it all..


    HOWEVER, if it is a medical (life or death situation) I apologize. don't murder another human because you can't take the responsibility

    EDIT: you people really are stupid, are you serious in saying "it only hurts a little" this child has feelings too, imagine the pain it will go through.

  9. dont do it.

  10. It is basically like having a pap smear done. You are in stirrups and a speculum is inserted. Then the doctor will vacuum extract the fetus.You will have some discomfort and bleeding for a few days after the procedure. They will give you pain meds to take if you need them. You will have to have a followup visit to make sure everything is OK a week or so after. All the people on here who are saying negative things about abortion need to stop. It is a very personal decision that no one else can make for a woman. You need to have counseling about all your options before you make any decision. This is mandated by many states before an abortion can be performed. You need to realize that abortion is going to affect you to some varying degree for the rest of your life. However, if you are confident and comfortable with your decision I don't see any harm to you in the future. There is no reliable study that proves any evidence of future harm from having an abortion.

  11. I love kailyejobe's response.  She didn't want to give up for adoption a baby she carried in her for 9 months,  so she aborted the baby.  I have a 9 month old lab puppy that I can't keep, so I'm going to kill it.  I wouldn't want to give it up to someone else.  

  12. go to and see if u still feel the same

  13. I don't think she was asking for everyones rude, intrusive opinions. You people are being jerks. It's not your choice, it's hers. When will people learn to keep their mouths shut when their voice isn't wanted?!

    I have personally never been pregnant or had an abortion. However, a friend of mine had one a few years ago, and she told me that it only mildly hurts.

    From what I know, abortion happens one of two ways... if its early enough I believe you just have to take some sort of medication that gets rid of it, and you will bleed a lot. If it's been too late then they suck it out... this is what my friend did. She said it hurts a little, but nothing horrible.

    I have little knowledge on this, so I'm helping you the best I can, I am sorry I don't have better advice. I just figured out of all these haters you needed at least one supporter. Do whatever you want and don't let others tell you how to think or feel.

    Go to Planned Parenthood for more information, and an appointment. They are kind people from what I know and won't judge. Everything is confidential and they will tell you what to expect. But if you are going through with this, act quickly because you have more options earlier rather than later.

    Good luck, I wish you the best ;)

  14. Your best option is to contact a local abortion clinic. They can be found in the yellowpages, if not your doctors office should be able to aid you in finding more information.

    The procedure done will depend mostly on how far along you are. An ultrasound will be preformed to clerify this. Options for abortion include the "morning after pill", another similar set of pills that will induce labor thus cauing a miscarriage, an overdose of birth control (should only be done when monitored by a doctor), a DNC, and a couple of other options.

    The pain levels will also depend on which procedure you have, how your body copes with pain, and what medications you are given. The pain levels can very from a heavy period to quite painful.

    After the abortion you will want to go home and rest for a couple of days. You do not want to stress your body any further. You have lost blood and tissue.

    If you are able to take pills at home you should plan to spend 48 hours at home taking it very easy.

    If you go into an office for a DNC or similar procedure you need to expect to spend several hours there. You need to arrange a driver to and from the facility. You should plan to spend at least 24 hours at home resting.

    No matter what procedure is done you will bleed for some time, in some cases for two or more weeks. Your doctors office will tell you what to expect. You will only be able to use pads to collect the blood, not anything inserted.

    You will want to watch for large clots. And any signs that your body is in shock.  

    Abortions do not come cheap. You will most likely be asked to pay in cash or by credit/debt card. Make sure you find out how they prefer that you pay ahead of time.

    Some clinics require you to stay in the area thus getting a hotel room for the night. Make sure you understand all policies.

    Follow any guidelines given, you do not want to die due to a complecation. There is always a risk involved.

    Please do not let the opinions of others make your decision for you. The choice is yours. You have to make the choice that will sit the best with you for the years to come. I wish you luck.  

  15. Procedure:  Either the doctor will suck the baby out then will count all the baby's little parts (i.e. hands, feet, head) to make sure he/she is fully removed from your body OR the doctor will inject a solution into the baby, basically burning it up.

    Pain:  Minimal to you. Painful for the baby who never got to experience a full life.

    After abortion details:  Baby is dead, you keep going.... maybe with psychological pain, maybe not.

  16. There is pain, cramping and passing of large clots post procedure, just like a very heavy period but worse.  Please make sure you get evaluated prior and follow up after with a good doctor or clinic.  there is also the psychological portion that may require somebody to talk to.  You may have feelings of guilt and depression after due to hormone changes again, be prepared and make sure it is for the right reasons and you should be able to work your way through.  I did feel guilty even though I new it was the right choice for me and eventually made peace with myself so don't let some of those other responses scare you.  This is your choice!  just be more care full until you are really ready.

  17. You are the only one who can make the decision about abortion. Talk to your doctor or midwife or the local women's clinic.


  18. Honestly, You shouldnt ask anyone this question, on here, This is a very sensitive subject and you might not get the answers you want. I agree that you should really think about what you want to do. Go to parent planning and see what all your options are. We cant tell you how emotionaly, or physically you'll be hurt. That is your path to take if you want to find out for yourself. Good luck on your decision.

  19. You are 6 weeks pregnant. (four weeks from conception)

    The embryo has reached a size of about 8 mm (1/4 inch) in length.

    The spinal cord, which until now has been open, is beginning to close.

    The first blood cells and blood vessels are developing.

    Blood moves through these primitive vessels connected to the yolk sac.

    A pipe-shaped heart is formed and begins to beat.

    The brain begins to divide into 5 parts.

    Optic pits form the start of the developing eye.

    The cells destined to be the arms and legs are in place

    do u really want to destroy something that is a part of you an already alive?? think about it!

  20. The procedure is the same as they do after a miscarriage, they put you under anesthetic, they soften your cervix and the remove the contents of your uterus, then once you come out of the anesthetic they send you home.

    There might be a little discomfort in the lower abdomen, like slight cramping, and you'll still have your pregnancy symptoms for up to a week after.

    For 2 weeks after they advise you to wear sanitary pads and not tampons and not to have s*x or insert anything into your v****a in case of infection.

    I think they ask you questions before hand to make sure an abortion is what you want, they do an ultrasound to check where the baby is, and I think they advise you get it done at around 6 weeks of pregnancy because before that it is very small and it may be missed resulting in an unwanted pregnancy still being there and you'll have to go back in and get it done again.

    Before you do it, explore all your options and remember once it's gone, it's gone and you can't get it back.

    People will say adoption is an option, but I understand that alot of people couldn't cope with going through the pregnancy knowing they have to give it up in the end, plus depending on your reason for abortion, you may not want anyone to know you were ever pregnant.

    I know it costs a fair few hundred dollars and you need someone with you afterwards in case you have any post operative problems, which is standard after any operation.

    You might be really emotional afterwards with guilt, which is why you really need to think about it because something like this could have a big mental impact, but after you might also feel really relieved that it's all over.

    It's an individual choice and really none of anyone elses business, depending on how old you are of course.

  21. ok my first answer is sweetheart if u didnt want to get pregnant then u should practice safe s*x...and please dnt talk bout abortion coz alot of ppl r preggas on here and dnt wanna hear bout it.  

  22. i never had an abortion and never will. but you should put it up for adoption. an yes it is painful, my ex friend got an abortion and she had pain after wards.

  23. It's really annoying how everyone just judges, and doesnt actually answer your question. People should realise that adoption is not an option for women who wish to have children someday later on in their lives.

    My aunt told me about her abortion. She just felt tired and weak for about 2 weeks. The procedure wasn't too painfull, but you'll have to make sure you go to a recommended hospital so there aren't any unwanted accidents, such as loosing the chance to concieve again.

  24. dont listen to anyone but yourself you know what is right. i had one last year b/c of horrible a situation . im now 13 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend and i couldnt be happier. i dont regret what i did at all and i made the right descion. i went to planned parenthood and it hurt while it happened like really bad cramps after they gave me a heating pad and then i left. i didnt really bleed afterwards and i just went on with my life.  

    under the RIGHT cirsumstances i believe in abortion but it should not be considered as birth control.

    think about it really hard before you do it though.  dont do it if you just dont want a baby. there has to be a REALLY good reason

    good luck

  25. Don't do it you should have been protected don't kill an innocent child if you kill the baby you will have bad luck take my advice have the baby god will bless you that baby will be a blessing

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