
Question about adult autism?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I was never diagnosed as a child because my parents were too busy taking care of my brain tumor and controling my seizures and autism wasn't talked about much back then, but I believe I am on the autistic spectrum. My problem is I don't have insurance or enough resources to see specialists and be formally diagnosed. I have finally come to the point where I know I need assistance in employment and other areas; it is something I have been putting off. What is my best bet?




  1. Dylans comment, as downvoted as it is, much more in line with reality as opposed to the bureaucratic process that panders only to NT parents and professionals.  

    Autistic adults don't have resources.  You can only get them if you have a large inheritance, or if you still have guardians or parents willing to give you representation.  Because once you've been labeled as something like have lost your human rights.  Doctors won't even treat you if they access your medical records, even if you pay them cash.  

    If employment assistance is hard to come by will be impossible if you are diagnosed.  The only reason I'm employed at all is that at least half of my work history is through working by contract..not employment...which has allowed me to hide in the system and build a resume.  

    In my experience, living as an autistic adult is like living in the closet.  I'm still a target because my behaviour is conspicious, but for others to actually know why I'm different is only an amplified excuse for discrimination.

  2. is ther any type of charity care where you live...

    do you have a current diagnosed condition such as brain injury from teh tumor or epilepsy-

    if  you do tahat may be enough to get you into a vocational rehab office-from there they mahy be able to help you wioth resources

    also call your department of disability services where you live as well as social services

  3. Fill out an application with your state's Department of mental health.  They should be able to get you free medical care, a neuro-psych exam, counceling, therapy, medication, etc.  You may also be entitled to SSI.  They have a lot of resources to help you but you have to apply first.  Good Luck

  4. Hide from the cops

  5. Try going to a free clinic and asking for a referall to a therapist that specializes in autistic behavioral therapy. There are people out there that will help for free. Also ask about doctors that specialize in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder. At least get diagnosed and then take it from there.

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