
Question about air conditioner vent leaking condensation..?

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I live in an apartment, and I noticed this morning my vent (behind my reclyner) is leaking condensation really bad. It's going down the side of the wall, and the carpet is damp as far as three feet out. Not soaked..just damp. The wall is brown from the leaking water.

What can I do to prevent this?

I will be calling my land lord here shortly, but this happened last year, and he did nothing.




  1. You don't say whether it's a window air conditioner or central, and there is a huge difference when it comes to leaks.  If it's a window A/C, then the problem is one of two things.  Either the unit isn't tipped slightly so that condensation drips outside the window, or the hole or groove that the condensation drips out of in the back of the unit is plugged.

    It it's a central unit, it could still be a plugged condensate drain line, or it could just be a leaky roof that is leaking in the proximity of your vent.

    It's difficult to tell without actually looking at it, but if the landlord is responsible for it, I would definitely let him know because the water will do damage to his apartment.  Good luck!

  2. HVAC Tech.:  Many apartment houses use a chill water a/c system. When they are working really good, excessive condensation becomes a problem. If steps are not taken to maintain free flowing drains there can be a problem like the one you describe. You need to inform maintenance and stay on them as molds (dangerous to your health) will ruin the wall, flooring, and carpet. Local health department may be solution, but give owner chance first.

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