
Question about airplanes?

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I was outside not too long ago and I saw two airplanes. One had the tail thing behind it, and the other didn't. I was wondering why the 2cd airplane did not have a tail.

Thanks =)




  1. it's excess fuel that crystalizes in the air in cold atmosphere.

    the second one was not high enough to produce it

  2. Another possibility is that one was a jet that left a contrail and the other was a propeller driven aircraft that doesn't. I'll bet it was the difference in altitude though.

  3. You are talking about contrails. (Condensation trails.) When the jet fuel is burned in the jet engine there is carbon dioxide and water left over and that is what you see. There are variables that change the effect and make the contrail more or less visible.

    There is more detail here:

  4. That was an air to air refueler plane, the one with the long rear.

  5. dont know

  6. That is just to turn the airplane easily. So the bigger the plane the  bigger the tail will be.

  7. I agree with yogi.

  8. It's usually a difference in altitude.  Atmospheric conditions can be different just a few hundred feet higher or lower.

    Also, turboprop and piston engine airplanes produce contrails under the right conditions, as well.  Any engine that produces a hot exhaust stream.

    And by the way, a contrail is not "excess fuel."  It's hot exhaust gasses, containing water, hitting very cold air, condensing, and then freezing.  Pilots work very hard to conserve fuel, and would be offended at the idea that there is "excess fuel" being lost.

  9. Your question is a bit confusing, but I think you are referring to the condensation trail behind the airplane.  The airplane which does NOT have the Con trail, maybe at a lower altitude where it is not so cold, it might be too dry there for a Con trail, or it might be a slower airplane.

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