
Question about american high schools...?

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we've just moved to america and i'll be going to grade 10. i had one question. one of my friends told me that in school you are only allowed to use cursive handwritting. like if we want to hand in essays and stuff we have to write them in cursive. is that true?

if yes, do you have tips on how i can learn it as fast as possible? i already know how to write cursive but it's not so fast. could you help me?




  1. sometimes it depends on the school

    at my school they prefer you to type your essays because its neater

    but if you do turn in written sometimes they ask for print if you have horrible handwriting

    check with the school you're going to and see what the english teachers/history teachers say

    those are usually the classes you'll have the most papers to write

    good luck!

    where are you moving from?

  2. That really depends on the teacher. I hope not though. I am going into the 8th grade and I still cant write cursive. Well I can, but it isn't neat, I don't know some of the letters, and I cant do it quickly. I would say get one of those booklets though. They have them at most bookstores you go to. If you are trying to just do it quickly then I suggest just writing that instead of print more often. you will get the hang of it.

  3. Maybe your friend's school is like that, but I've never heard of such a thing.  Most of my students never learned cursive and cannot read it either.

  4. I've never heard of that! I think that sort of thing would be a teacher's preference. For long essays, I have my kids type them for easier reading but for homework assingments print or cursive is fine with me as long as I'm able to read it.

  5. Probably not in 99% of public schools. Especially on essays, most English teachers prefer typed, since you're going to type on all professional writing, and the quality of handwriting is not exactly improving.

  6. That's not really true.  I'm an english teacher and I HATE cursive writing, if that helps!

  7. That's absurd.  I have not been in a single school EVER where you were only allowed to write in cursive.  The only time that happened to me was during elementary school when we were learning cursive writing.  Of course my writing sheets had to be in cursive then.

    Most teachers simply want things written neatly so that they can read them.  Plus, your essays will need to be typed.  Maybe your friend went to school a long time ago or something, but they do not do that these days (in most schools).  If there is some weird school that has a rule like that, then they are too anal retentive for their own good.

  8. It depends on the teacher - At the school where I teach, there is only ONE teacher who does this.  The rest of us realize that PRINT is what is used universally - computer text, books, newspapers, etc.  NONE of those are written in cursive writing.  It's pretty (sometimes), but it takes fine motor skills that some students don't have, and it's unnecessary.

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