
Question about an INSANE habanero hot sauce

by  |  earlier

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I was just at the fair today and they had a bunch of salsas to try, and I had one loaded with cayan and habanero it was the hottest one there by far and when I had it my mouth burned for around half an hour along with eyes watering and intense pain all of that, but I also noticed that in my upper abdomen area there was this sort of like burning type of pain, I'm not exactly sure if I'd call it heartburn or not... but exactly what does hot sauce do to give that feeling? Also, I remember eating pancakes and tater tots really fast a few times before and every time it gives that same burning sensation inside, not like hot temperature wise but just insanely powerful burning in the stomach.... thanks




  1. That my friend was a bout of good ol indegestion.  Rich baked goods, greasy foods, and spicy foods are some of the most frequent causes.  My husband gets it when he eats spicy foods, and I get it when I eat donuts or sweet rolls.  

    Next time it stikes, take a Tums or Rolaid.

  2. I love spicy!

    PLZ answer mine!

  3. The habanero pepper has the highest concentration of a chemical called capsaicin of any pepper.

    The chemical in capsaicin interacts with nerve cells and produces the same sensation you'd get from excessive heat or abrasive damage.

    I think the burning in your stomach is also from the capsaicin irritating the lining of your stomach. About the pancakes and tater tots, they might have been too hot to eat. I understand that you say it wasn't a "hot temperature" feeling, but I don't think your stomach has the same sensitivity as your skin - so it reports hot food and peppery food to your brain as similar sensations. (Kind of like the difference between looking at an ant with a magnifying glass and then with the bottom of a Coke bottle.)

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