
Question about anti depressants PLEASE HELP!?

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have been on zoloft for 71/2 years since i was 13. Im now 20. I cut the dosage from 100 to 75 mgs. I have been on 75 mgs for 5 days now. for the first 2 days I felt great, but now i am feeling very unstimulated, and a depressed. How long will this last? will my mind go back to normal since I have been on it for so long? Since I started as a child does my brain think that it needs zoloft to feel happy or content? Should I wait it out and see? I have sworn never to take another phsyciatric drug again, they make me too numb, and tourture me inside, as well a having multiple side effects.

for the first 3 days I felt almost eurphoric, but now Im a little depressed, and its hard to find words.

I have talked 2 Family docs, and 2 phyciatrist, the phyciatrist want to put me on other medications, and the General doctors dont know much about zoloft, and withdrawling. I am nearly certain that I will feel better after getting off zoloft.

I have been on it since I was 13, when my brain was still developing into an adult brain, is my mind dependent on the medication?




  1. have you had counseling?  Usually if you are on anti depressants you need counseling or nothing changes.  Medicine does not cure your might let you handle them better but YOU have to solve your own mysteries and what makes you feel and act as you do.  If you haven't had need to get into it.  

    and no...anti depressants aren't addictive..and you can think without them...but you need help to figure out what the problems are.

  2. i think u should stay on zoloft for a while whats the problem u can always quite later right! take care these medications are dangoures to bargen with .  

  3. First and foremost, you want to go off zoloft.  You need to do it under the care of a psychiatrist.  You cant just stop, especially as long as you have been on it.

    You may or may not feel better after getting off zoloft.  That is literally a c**p shoot.  

    When I first went on antidepressants, my doctor and I went through several until the correct one and dosing was found.

    Zoloft is in a class of drugs called Selective Sertonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI).  Basically they make you feel good, while working on your brain chemistry.

    When you quit the medication quickly like you have, you are going to have depression and several other side effects.

    Unfortunately, all the antidepressants have side effects.   You have to weigh the side effects versus the benefits.  I am on Prozac, and have decided that the benefits outweigh the side effects by a long shot.

    If you need to discuss this more, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

  4. I've never heard that Zoloft causes either dependence or withdrawal.  You might want to wait a few days or a couple of weeks, if it isn't too awful.  But don't let yourself stay depressed for very long.  That kind of thing gets worse the longer it goes untreated.

    I know people who are on Zoloft for life.  They consider it better than the alternative.

  5. You might want to try a different drug. It may not be working like it should anymore. As we grow we change chemically.  And depression is a chemical imbalance in our brian like any mental disorder. So maybe try something new.  But just stay strong.  Its hard I know.  

  6. I am also on antidepressants for about 5 years but mine are effexor

    I want to get off them but the side affects are extreme it takes about 10 days I think but with the zolpoft there is a site about withdrawl symptoms check it out also if you type in zoloft withdrawl on the google site it will show you want some of them are and some experience of people on the same drug I hope this helps and it is very common these days heaps of people are on antidepressants just to cope

  7. You need to cut down much much slower than you are.  Get your 100mgs of zoloft and just shave a tiny bit off with a knife and take the part thats left for a couple of weeks then shave a tiny bit more etc.  It will make you sick and all of the symptoms youve described if you drop it too quickly.  Its a very powerful drug.

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