
Question about aquarium resealing?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. (:

Mmk, so my 29 gal is leaking. Tried to repair it, but to no avail. I saw somewhere to completely reseal the entire tank, so I started ripping out the seal. The bottom edges came out reall easy but the sides are proving to be much harder. Would it still be ok if I just left the sides and just resealed the bottom?

Thanks for reading. (:




  1. I guess what I would do is just re-seal the  bottom, and then like, try to get some of the side off, and re-seal some of the sides, or  just keep a super close watch on the side.

    Just fill it up, and see if it drips at all.. If not, then ur in luck! but keep a watch..

    if its leaking, you will need to fully re-seal.

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