
Question about astigmatisms...?

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Can reading things up close or writing with your glasses on (for near sited-ness) make your vision worse? What about using the computer? I went to my optometrist today and found out that my left eye got better and my right eye got a quarter worse. The optometrist told me not to read with my glasses while she didn't tell my sister this. My sister's eyes are a lot worse and had more of a change (for the worse). So why did she tell me not to read with my glasses but not tell my sister?




  1. An optometrist really would like more information to address your concerns.

    You are better of if you do your reading without lenses.

  2. Reading will not make your vision worse. Nor will using a computer (your eyes will most likely be very strained though if you stare at a computer for a long time. I don't recommend it). Eyes that get better or worse is just a coincidence, and is most likely genetic. I'm not exactly sure why you aren't supposed to read with your glasses while your sister isn't, but I have an idea. I believe it could be because some people's eyes react differently to their near-sighted prescription, and reading with the glasses could strain your eyes. Or maybe you prescription is so minor that you only need to wear your glasses to see things far away. Your best bet is still to ask your optometrist why they told you to do so. And be sure to follow their instructions.

    I don't believe this question is about astigmatism though. Astigmatism is where your cornea is curved in an irregular way, causing blurry vision at any distance.

    Hope I helped!

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