
Question about babies?

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i was looking on-line at a few "jumpers" and i noticed they don't have a age listed for them so at what age can your baby use a daughter is 4 and half months old and I'm pretty sure she is still to young and i know you use a jumper befor a walker i pretty sure its used to make the legs a little bit stronger for walking right?

if I'm wrong please correct me I'm a first time mommy and my nieces have been out of walkers and all that stuff for awhile i forgot all of it lol




  1. AT 4 and a 1/2 months old, Im sure your little one is ready for it. My son was about 5-6 months old when we started to use it frequently. He was behind more than others because he had stomach surgery at 5 weeks old and I was scard to put him on his belly for awhile.

    Is she holding her head up well? If she can pretty much sit on with a little assistance, or better yet on her own, then Im sure she will have a blast in the jumper. I bought a jumper-roo for son. When he started to jump is lite up and made lots of music, he loved it!

    Hope that helps out some!

  2. It's from about 5 months but my baby went in at 4 and a hlaf as her head control was very good...they're not for strengthing legs though....they're just for fun and somehwere to put the baby...they like the feeling of independance...babies dont need any contraptions to strenghten legs...before all these things were invented they were carried till' they could walkers, bouncers or anything.

  3. we have the rainforest jumperoo , and my 3mos old son loves it! he just started using it this week bc he can now hold his head up unassisted. we put a pillow under his feet bc he is still a little short. i think your daughter would be fine if she can hold up her head.

  4. as soon as she can hold her head up on her own their fine

  5. my son is 4 1/2 months also. i got him a jumper at 4 months and he loves t!! he was just kicking and kicking his little legs so much and never wanted to go in his swing anymore. so i went to target and got the jungle theme jumper. he loves it!! and it is so cute to watch them in it. so i would say she is ready for one.
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