
Question about baby and breathing and sickness

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I am bringing my daughter to the doctors tomorrow, but I was just wondering if any one could help me relax a little. My 5 month daughter has been threw a lot so far and we have had to switch formulas and med and we can not seem to find out the problem. Here is what we have done:

1st month she was throwing up a lot crying non stop. The doc put her on meds it didn't help he just kept upping the dose so by 4 months when it got so bad she was not eating much and not sleeping but just throwing up again and again and we could not even leave the house with her we switched doctors. The new doctor found out she might be allergic to her formula so we switched it...we have a HUGE difference. She doesn't cry much any more and doesn't throw up, but now we have a new problem. It is kind of hard to explain but i am going to try she kind of throws up but it doesn't come out and she turns bright red and can not breath for a few seconds then she crys in pain and then can not breath again and it will happen sometimes once or sometimes 5times in a row. I don't know what to do, we have been to the doctors every week since she has been born with problems with her eating and throwing up and loosing weight. I was told she is a 2month size at 4 1/2 months :( It breaks my heart to see her in pain all the time. Can any one help? Any one been through anything close to this?




  1. My friend's baby boy seemed to have similar issues.  It turned out for them that their baby had a torn muscle that was preventing the food from going where its supposed to.  If you think things are not right, insist that your doctor do additional testing.  This could be the problem.  Something else could be formed wrong, and a quick minor surgery could fix it like it did for my friends.  Their baby is like a totally different child, happy, not crying, not choking or throwing up formula.  

  2. It sounds like reflux to me but given that it seems she reacts as she does, I'd call the doctors office (* or doctor on call) to be sure.  They may suggest going back on the reflux meds.

    Good luck! I am glad she's doing better now!  

  3. My daughter is severely allergic to milk and would throw up and had swelling of the face and throat along with hives.  I am so glad you changed dr's and got everything figured out.  It took us a 2 hour drive in the middle of the night to children's hospital to find out what was wrong with our little one.  Has your baby had any trouble with constipation?  The ped. we saw said it takes a little while for their bodies to adjust to the soy milk.  Our baby would spit up, then gag on it for a few weeks.  It was never as bad as your baby's though.  I know how you feel.  It took us 4 dr's. and 4months to figure out what was wrong.  Hang in there.  So many times I would just break down because I didn't know how to help my own baby.  Do your best and remember God gave you this baby and he will help you get through it all.

  4. Does her spit up have alot of mucus in it? I havent been through this exactly, but my baby (7weeks) has very thick spit up sometimes, full of mucus.  She had a milk and soy allergy, since switching to Nutramigen formula she has been much better.

    You definitely did the right thing in changing doctors.  Good luck

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