
Question about background check for new job... parifinalia.. :( help?

by  |  earlier

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Okay.. so here's the deal. I have been offered a job that I really want working with mentally disabled people, but they still need to do a background test and drug test. I live in Illinois.

I was arrested in August of last year for parifinalia (marijuana pipe). I pled guilty, however was granted court supervision, so I was not convicted. I have not smoked since then (and hardly smoked then), so I will have no problem passing the drug test. My question is, will this show up on the background check since I wasn't convicted, however was arrested and I plead guilty? Do you think they'll give me the job still since I will pass the drug test 100%?

Thanks guys, I'm really upset, I feel sick!




  1. It depends on what kind of backgraound investigation they do.

    Most companies, only check your credit record and previous employment.

    Very few pay from a criminal back ground check.


    But since you will be working with menatally handicapped people,

    More than likely, they will do a criminal background check.

    And yes, your court supervison will show up.


    Whether they will hire you, only they can answer.

  2. call an attorney ... he should be able to give you a quick free answer over the phone ... if not call the police and ask them .

  3. Let them do the background check and drug test.

    You can't do anything to change what they will find out but if you really want the job then go for it. A background check may not reveal this event since there was no conviction.

    Don't say anything, just let them do their thing and wait for the results.

  4. The only person who can answer this question, is the person doing the hiring. It is always best to be honest with a possible employer. Call them and explain the situation. That way, if it is an issue, nobody will be wasting any time.

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