I switched doctors after getting fed up with my last doctor's care. With this new doctor I now know that I missed some important tests that should have been done weeks ago - blood work or amnio to test for genetic defects/downs syndrome, etc. I'm 20 weeks, and this doc offered me an amnio, but nothing can be done now if the results are positive for any defects. I'm very angry at the first doctor, and very confused and worried about what to do next? I'm 37, so my risks are higher & that's what makes me worried. Should I do the amnio, despite the risks of the procedure itself? Or should I just wait and take my chances (even though I'll be worried for the rest of my pregnancy)? Do I have any alternatives to find out if my baby's healthy inside me? My next appt isn't for another month, but my doc said I could contact him if I decide to do the amnio.