
Question about banning cell phones while driving?

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There is such a thing as common sense. Where do you draw the line? I mean, what's next? What happens if your mother in law in the back seat is a distraction, do you then ban mother in laws from the back seat? Do you think cell phones should be banned while driving?




  1. In India drivers can get challaned.Still there are ways to listen to cellphone with bluetooth etc.and people do manage to get away.


    Check out the above link,   a teen was reaching for his cell phone while driving.      OOPS!

    Maybe not completely ban phones,   but require hands free at the least.    The simple act of having to hold the phone draws your attention to it away from your driving.   A hands-free makes it more like a conversation with a passenger.

  3. I use a cell all the time as I travel, it is a part of my work and impossible to stop every time to answer it. I am totally dependent on it.

       But yes I do agree it is as dangerous as driving with a hand grenade in your hand whilst driving, this only apply to some people the rest know how to use it.

        Same as some can drive in any condition others simply can't drive under normal conditions.

  4. I agree with UCANTCME -there are the two dangers he mentioned. It IS actually almost impossible to give both driving and using a handheld mobile phone your full attention, which means that more often than not, your driving is the task that suffers. I believe that actually holding a mobile phone to MAKE a call should be banned, but it should be ok to RECEIVE a call, as long as you're using a headset of some kind. I say this as someone who almost became a victim of a driver who was chatting on a handheld mobile phone whilst driving.

  5. as far as your mother in law in the back seat... passengers are a distraction to the driver, thats why in illinois if you get your license at 16, you are not allowed to have more than 1 passanger for the first year you have your license.. i believe that under certain circumstances it is ok to use cell phones in cars (ie getting directions when lost) but to just be chit chatting away while driving is dangerous because you get more caught up in your conversation than you do driving.

  6. There are two dangers associated with driving and cell-phone use, including text messaging.

    First, drivers must take their eyes off the road while dialing.

    Second, people can become so absorbed in their conversations that their ability to concentrate on the act of driving is severely impaired, jeopardizing the safety of vehicle occupants and pedestrians.

    As for your mother-in-law, you dont need to listen to her and you dont take your eyes off the road.......

  7. Yes, I think cell phones should be banned while driving. I have had too many close calls with drivers on cell phones. Drivers need to put down their cell phones and pay attention to the road before they kill someone.

  8. There is a huge difference between a person in the car, and a person on the phone.  For one thing, you aren't holding the person in your hand.  For another, a person in the car can be put on "half-ignore".  The human brain cannot put a person on a cell phone on "half-ignore".  The person in the car will likely see an emergency situation, and know to shup up, the person on the cell phone cannot possibly see that.  People seem to think that "multi-tasking" is somehow a good thing, but in traffic it is stupid, dangerous, and shows a callous disregard for the property, and the very lives, of others.

    If you ever take an advanced driving course, or a performance driving course, and talk on a cell phone, you are likely to be tossed off the property for idiocy.  People that say they can handle it, like they are somehow "special" are especially dangerous, and should be force to view video of themselves driving while on a cell phone.  Just like most drunks, they really don't have a clue how off-kilter they really are.

    I have used the cell phone to phone the police.  I will not use it on the highway, or in the city, anywhere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, except in an emergency.

  9. I've seen too many people swerving all over the road while dialing a number, or even just talking on a cell phone. Yes, I think it should be banned. I've never seen anyone swerving because their relative is speaking to them. It's a very different thing.

  10. yes.

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