
Question about bars at restaurants.?

by  |  earlier

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So, my wife and I go to restaurants a lot, and sometimes there is a long time to get a table, but the bar area is open. Since we don't mind we usually got and eat there. My question is, since it is a bar, are you obligated to order an alcoholic drink or can we just order sodas and our food. I sometimes feel obligated to order a beer because I do not know if I have to or not? Thanks




  1. you can definitely order sodas is no obligation to buy alcohol

  2. My boyfriend and I used to always eat at the bar at really busy places. And I've never felt obligated to order an alcoholic drink. Sometimes I order a Sprite and he just has water.  

  3. i used to work at a restaurant and no u dont have to order a drink

  4. Not everyone that goes into a bar orders an alcoholic drink. Some just go into a bar to socialize without alcohol. I have been a bartender for 15 years and I do not expect everyone to order alcohol.

  5. If customers can order alcohol at the booths, it's okay to order food at the bar without getting a drink.

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