
Question about being 28 weeks pregnant,and several symptoms happening...?

by  |  earlier

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I just turned 28 weeks pregnant and I have several things going on....the other night I had contraction all night long and on and off since then (braxton hicks obviously) but also ive had a bad pain in the right side of my stomach,and sometimes I can feel some intense pressure in my crotch,especially when i pee but even sometimes when i dont,also there has been a tanish color when i wipe my v****a after peeing on my toilet paper ...and some thicker (snot like glob) just a few minutes ago....another thing is i've been feeling very nauseus as well and have even actually vomitted from this and also i have been taking like one bite of food and being totally full...

does anyone think this is really a reason to be concearned or just normal? I dont drive right now and therefore cant just go to the hospital for every little thing....

so thats why im asking here first....

thanx and sorry for being so graphic....




  1. well the snot like glob might be your mucus plug which means your cervex is opening up, I would call the doc or just go to the ER asap.

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