
Question about being on jury?

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What questions do they usally ask you before you can be on the jury? i am doing a project.




  1. Usually general first, then specifics to the case. Like first, your job, family situation, hobbies, then for me, it was a man vs, a cop and they asked me questions about my interaction with cops, like tickets, see any bias....Hope this helps!! Jury duty is kind of fun..

  2. Nothing actually.  Only things that get you to the courthouse to serve would be a "registered voter", "Selective Service applicant" or anyone that renews or applies for a drivers license or state ID card who is 18 years old.

    At the courthouse, it's a random pick for juries which can range from civil, family or criminal that you can serve on.  When they pick your number, you get led up to the courtroom and you sit with everyone else.  That's when the jury selection for a trial starts.  I was picked for a criminal (capital murder) case and we were given written questionaires to fill out (16-20 pages each) and the next day both defense and prosecuting attorneys asked us various questions like:

    Do you have relatives serving in law enforcement?

    Do you have friends or relatives currently incarcarated?

    Have you had people close to you murdered or have you encountered or witnessed crimes?

    Who would you believe most on the stand as a witness? (Police officer, sheriff, highway patrol, ordinary citizen or prison/jail inmate)  

    Since this is a capital murder case, do you have any problem voting for the death penalty after all proof is presented?

    Do you closely watch news or read newspapers about stories related to this case?

    What do you do for a living?

    Are you for or against the death penalty?

    What's your personal life like and what do you do in your spare time?

    What do you know about the murders that occurred at the hands of the accused, who is innocent until proven guilty?

    What city do you live in?

    In an nutshell, they test to see if you are nervous answering their questions, and how you answer them.....

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