
Question about being pregnant?

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I am 23 and just got married. My husband and I have been together in a relationship for 8 years, and we're thinking about having kids. We want a really big family, so we thought we'd start early.

The only thing that I'm scared of about becoming pregnant is all of the tests. I want to have a natural pregnancy and birth, but I know some of the tests they do can be intrusive to the baby. If I get pregnant, what kind of tests do the doctors usually do, and do I have a choice not to have certain tests done?

Also, have you had a natural birth done outside of a hospital? A homebirth with a mid-wife? How was your experience? Would you suggest it?




  1. i can't answer the birth part i haven't gotten there yet.

    they do give everyone certain tests, blood test and urine tests, there are certain tests you can decline if you feel it would be in your childs best interest. other than that they like to uh examine your v****a alot lol.

  2. Standard pregnancy tests are not intrusive at all. Mostly you pee in a cup, give blood occasionally, pelvic exams, and ultrasounds. Sometimes, mostly if a problem arises with blood tests or there are concerns with your age, they will do additional screening like amniocentesis tests. These are intrusive and have been known to cause miscarriage.

    I had an option for an amnio to find out for sure the s*x of the baby, as some medical issues I have would alter the ultrasound. I asked the doctor if it would hurt to just continue as normal without knowing and deal with things after birth. He assured me that was fine and if I didn't want the amnio I did not have to have one.  

  3. I have five kids, and have never had my unborn baby intruded upon. Normally they just ask you to pee in a cup, they take your blood a couple of times, and do a few pelvic exams. Oh and you have to drink the glucose drink to test for diabetes. Other than that the only intrusive test they would do is amnio, and they usually only do that if your blood work shows that there is a genetic defect in the fetus. So do'nt worry to much, and enjoy pregnancy, it is one of the most fabulous things you can be :) I never had a home birth, however I Had three out of my five kids totally drug free. good luck to you


    good luck!

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