
Question about binding settings and snowboard edges.?

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So, I just went for my second snowboard trip ever yesterday. Things went pretty well, I can load/unload from the chairs, and get all the way down the mountain. I can use my back edge pretty well, but I'm having problems using my front edge, and I'm also having some problems comfortably going straight. I am goofy-footed (at least I am in skateboarding), and my bindings are 0 and +15. So, my questions are: how do I go straight!? It feels extremely awkward trying to go straight over a foot that is angled at 15 degrees. I feel like maybe I should adjust it to 0. Is that normal? Will I get used to it? I can go straight for short periods, but almost habitually end up bringing my bback foot around and scraping along on my back edge. Also, is there an easy way to explain going from side to side, edge to edge? I'm comfortable with using my back edge, and I can use my front edge (but not as comfortably), but I always end up catching an edge when I try to transition between the two.




  1. You don't actually want to spend much time going straight on a board unless you're picking up speed before a flat section or lining up a jump.  Most of the time I spend snowboarding I spend carving - going from the toe to heel edge and back making S shapes down the hill.

    Keep working out the beats on some green hills and see how many turns you can link and focus on using the toe edge.  I had problems turning onto my toe edge and digging the board in too soon.  Make sure that your board has passed the fall line (pointing straight down the hill) before you kick your back foot out and dig the edge in.

    Good luck!  Keep practicing.  And if you're still having trouble getting it don't be afraid to get a lesson, the instructor will be able to pinpoint your issue and get you on the fast track to carving.

  2. I'm a little confused - are you using front O rear 15? I really hope not, because that's the wrong way round, which may be the source of your problems. If your rear foot is facing further forward than your front foot, riding will become awkward. I guess front 15 rear O would be okay, but not for beginners. If you want to use a forward stance (avoid duck stance for now, at least until you get better) +21 front +6 rear is fine for starting. I've been riding a few years and I never migrated from this setup. Nothing wrong with it. If you still can't get it right, either a) pay for lessons or b) try the duck stance - this is where the front is set to +0 - +30 and the rear to 0 - -30. Most frequently seen on half pipes, but some riders use if for mountain boarding.

    Also, read this page - it's excellent

    Finally, you may notice that many boarders don't just go straight - unless lining up for a jump. Many go down the mountain alternating from front to back edge, effectively slaloming. If you do want to go straight, keep your knees bent and back STRAIGHT. Also, make sure you keep your shoulders straight, and when you want to turn, use the momentum of swinging your shoulders to help with your legs. You should also look where you are going. You wouldn't believe how much this helps.

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