
Question about birth dad?

by  |  earlier

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found mom went to dads address she gave me and found out they moved and also got grandparents names my question is how can i find a forward address or him there are so many listings with his name,i feel like i hit a wall again.




  1. Wanted to add one idea that helped me.  

    I contacted an distant family member who was doing genealogical research on the family name.  The man provided me with my b-father's name, birth date, current address and recent phone number, as well as his parents' names and address.  I also received current information on my b-father's siblings.

    Through my b-father's recent phone number, I was able to get his current number and viola!  I called him on the phone.

    Good luck!

  2. If they moved recently, the post office may have a forwarding address. That does not mean they will give it to you, however, if you mail something to the old address, chances are they may forward it to his new address.

    Do you know his employer? Did you check with his neighbors at the old house. Most will know "something" about where they went, or some information. Did you check with other relatives if you know of them? Keep trying, God will never give you more than you can handle! The work will be worth it to "you" in the long run, no matter what the outcome. This is your journey, enjoy the thrill and I wish you the best.

  3. If you have his parents names, maybe you can try contacting them for his current info.  I would start plugging through the long list, and hoping to stumble across the right one.  Good luck!

  4. wow

  5. If you have his name and approx birth date, you should be able to do an inexpensive people search online that will list all of his past addresses. In fact if the initial search pulls up several people, you should be able to narrow your options by finding the address or area that you know about on the preliminary list of former addresses. That combined with age will usually narrow it down and then for a small fee they should print out a full report with his most recent address.

  6. you arent going to believe this, but i just had this happen to me a couple of months ago. my birthfather kind of dropped off the face of the earth. he also had a common name, but we couldnt find the right one. my birthmother signed up to and it only took 3 days to hook up with someone that still had contact with him.

    it all went so fast, we were at a complete stand still until she went to that site.

    i have met him  and he is a wonderful warm man and i just love having him in my life. i hope your experience is as good as mine. good luck!

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