
Question about body temps after ovulation and pregnancy

by  |  earlier

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Can anyone please look at this graph and tell me what you think... From everything I've been reading around 10dpo your bbt should drop, however mine keeps rising, does this mean a possible pregnancy or am I getting my hopes up for nothing??

I tried taking a test this am, but stupid early pregnancy are unreliable at best, and the results didn't show, evidently I got a batch of faulty tests, and I have got to get some more.... but in the mean time any suggestions are greatly appreciated... thanks!




  1. This is a nice, clear chart, so that's good! Much of the answer here will depend on whether your temps often go up as high as they are today (ie: is this 'normal') but as the previous answer says, your temps aren't supposed to drop at 10dpo. If you have high temps at 18dpo then you're most likely pregnant, but I've heard of high BBT at 19dpo too, so even that's not completely reliable. However, if you've no sign of AF at 16dpo and high BBTs, I would consider testing then.

    If your temps seem to plateau at this new, higher level, then that's also a good sign of a 'tri-phasic' ie: pregnant chart. There's also the possibility that ovulation only happened 2 days ago. In other words, the 98.1 level might be post-ovulation; this corresponds with the CM data, and might be the reason that you've got a dotted red line not a solid red line from he calculator. Luckily, your BD timing is excellent, either way!

  2. my temp has been 99 to 100 degrees everytime i have taken it. i am 5 weeks

  3. you temp doesn't have to drop for you to be pregnant...if they stay on the rise then it could be pregnancy...good luck!

  4. I was charting for almost a year before I finally got pregnant in Feb.

    I am not a Dr.  but it seems that you have a good chance of being pregnant!

    When you drop like your temp did, and then not go below that temp again.....that is a sign.

    GODD LUCK!!!

  5. I also charted my temp and did constant ovulation tests and i never saw any signs of ovulation i showed mine to the doc and they finally agreed to do the fertility tests which i was dreading :(

    The tests came back saying my fsh level was great and so was the other two including the ovulating one so charting for me did not tell me what i wanted to know so i think everyone is different and my body was indeed hiding things from me lol

    I bought hundreds of ovulating sticks and i was getting faint faint second line that the company and doc said was just an evaporation line so i still doint know really wen i ovulate i just know that i do lol

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