
Question about boys...!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so there is this new kid in my grade and hes really hot and because he was the new kid i went up to him and was like hi my name is kyley whats your name and stuff. so he kinda kneww my name and so my friend told me that she heard him in the halls say to another girl i am hot now i dont know if this is true but even if it is what am i supposed to do should i go talk to him or should i wait and maybe he will talk to me. by the way i am in 8th grade.




  1. hmm why would a guy tell another girl that you're hot? sounds fishy. oh well... talk to him. don't bring up what you heard from your friend though. talk to him normally

  2. Well, if he  does like you and think your hot he'll come up to you.

    give it a few days, and it'll be clear :)

    if not, go up to him and ask him out!

    what have you got to lose?!


  3. I think you should wait.

  4. A lot depends on what you think about him, but just because he's  'hot'  does not mean he will be decent b/f material.

    Take a bit of time to get to know him.

    Personally, I advise that personality, a sense of humour, trust, how the person treats you, honesty and respect are far more important than looks.

    The above traits come from within, with meaning, but looks, skin colour, body shape and size come from outside, and can very rarely be changed, and yes, the person may look good, but without the inner traits, can be as interesting as last weeks dirty smalls

  5. are you somekind of chilli or red pepper?

  6. Talk to him find out what his interests are see if you both have anything in common.Start out friendly and see how much he really like you. Then ask him if he likes you alot if he does then go from there.

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