
Question about breastfeeding and vitamins?

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Did you give your baby vitamin supplements while you were breastfeeding? I have not been and our new pediatrician is acting like I'm crazy for not giving my baby vitamins. From what I have read, vitamins are not necessary when a baby is breastfed. Thanks for your input.




  1. I never and will not be giving my baby vitamins for no reason.  Unless your baby is suffering from a vitamin or iron deficiency there is no need for vitamins.  They will get everything they need from your breast milk. Ask your doctor his reasoning behind them.  I don't think they are necessary and my doctor and I have never even discussed them.  Typical doctors.... always trying to intervene when it is not needed.

  2. i breastfed my first and am currently breastfeed my second child. My childrens pediatrician always told me that breastmilk is the very best..but it does lack a bit of iron. he also told me that it doesnt really matter, but if i wanted to, i could give some to my child. I bought the infamil vitamin drops and i wuld put 2-3 drops once a week in one of my babys feedings. I never done it yet for my second child.

  3. y in gods name would you want to do that.. your baby is getting absolutely everything he/she needs from your breast milk there fore getting all the right vitamins.. i have never heard that before.. blimey!! I  assume that this person doesn't have children or knows nothing about them..!! sorry but that's a real dumb *** thing u have been told!!

  4. Nope.  No need.   Breastmilk is perfect.

    ETA:  Go to the link below - you can see all the info on all the vitamins/minerals.

    And there's no need to switch over to formula.   Formula has the vitamins/minerals added in a vain attempt to MIRROR breastmilk.

    ETA Again.  There is no need for iron supp, assuming your baby was healthy and full-term.  Healthy full-term infants have enough iron stores to last AT LEAST six months.  After that, they get iron from breastmilk.  There *is* less iron in breastmilk than in formula, but the iron in breastmilk is absorbed at a rate of 4-50 times greater than that of formula (depending on what formula you're using).  Introducing iron supplements actually DECREASES the ability of the baby's body to absorb iron.  More in the second link.

  5. My ped told us to give enfamil tri vi sol from the day he was born while I am breast feeding.  It was vitamin D and C.  They say you can cut down when you begin formula cause it has the vitamins in it. Being a new mom I took her advise, but currently re thinking this.

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