
Question about buying a firearm?

by  |  earlier

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I plan on buying an ar-15 within the next month or two. the question i have though is do they just do the background check there and thats it your license to posses it. Or do they send you a slip in the mail saying that you are the legal owner of that firearm and must carry it with the fire arm. I ask because my girlfriend isnt too hot about me buying an M4 and is one of those anti guns people. So hopefully i can buy it and not have to worry about getting anything in the mail that would tip her off that i bought it. Thanks in advanced.




  1. They will do a back ground check over the phone and as long as you don't have any problems you'll walk out with the weapon of your choice. The only paperwork you should get would be a receipt for your purchase.At least thats the way they do it in Alaska.

  2. you go to the gunstore with your money.  You give them your money, at which point they have you fill out some forms and run an send your name in for an 'instant background check' which can take up to 5 days.  If you are approved, you buy the gun, and walk out.

    your state may require you to get some forms filled out BEFORE you get the gun, some permits and the like, but no, no mail will come regarding it.

    check out your state laws here

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