
Question about buying a hand gun??

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I have a few questions about buying a hand gun. First when you buy a gun, I know you have to have a concealed weapons permit to carry it, but do you have to get any kind of permit when you buy it? Just to keep it in your house?

Also when they run your background, their are three things they can say to you.

1) You are approved, and you walk out the door with the gun.

2) You are denied, and you don't have a gun.

3) They put you on a 3 day hold.

Now just so you know, Im not a criminal and I don't have a bad background, and I haven't even went to apply for a gun. But I just want to know why there is the "3 day hold"? I look at it this way, you either have a criminal background or you don't. And do you need a permit just to have a gun in your house, or just register it when you buy it?




  1. It all depends on the state. In GA you do not have to anything but the money and a quick background check and you are off and shooting.  In Ohio and a couple other states, you already have to have a permit before you buy the gun. and there is a 72 hour hold.

  2. IN Virginia there is no wait...they run check instantly...if they have  questions they must resolve in 3 days or give u permit needed to own/shoot/have at home...if you want to drive around with an uncased gun u must put it on dash or to put on case...carry permits easy to get if no record....different in every state,

  3. In AZ you don't need any sort of permits to buy. Well you still need the tax stamp for class 3 weapons. And they dont' really say anything unless you didn't pass the NICS check for some reason. The holding period joke only apllies ins ome states. Either they will tell you at the store or you can check your state laws. There is nothing on the federal level. You don't need a liscence to keep it in your house, where do you live? DC?

    And there is no federal registy. Sometimes a state one but again, check your laws. This would be easier to figure out if you said what state you live in.

  4. In Florida there is no permit to own, only to carry

    You will either be approved or denied when they do the background check

    In rare cases the shop is told that theres a is a problem and they can not approve or deny you, so you get denied for the time being

    I have only seen this once to a man who had a son with his same name that was a habitual felon

    There is no 3 day hold on the approval

    That is what the "common sense" gun banners call a "Cooling Off Period"

    It's to give you time to see the light and not go home and shoot your wife or her boyfriend

    I guess it assumes that you have no baseball bats in the house

  5. great question organization i like that

    Well in most of states in america no permit at all is needed and you can get the gun right away just pay the background check fee and all the necessary tax then you get the gun and the only permit left is to carry it hope it helps see ya

  6. The last two handguns I bought, in TN and MS, I was in and out of the store with my purchase in under an hour, and it took that long because I was also shopping for other stuff. When I buy a new firearm, I'm generally also buying dies, bullets, powder, and such at the same time. No licensure or registration was needed for either.

    In some states, there are more restrictions. In IL, for instance, I think you have to have a firearms owner's identification card before you can buy a firearm. You'll want to check your state and local laws.

    I'm lucky in having an unusual name. If your name is Joe Smith (and I know a couple of those), you may not pass the background check immediately, simply because it's easy to get the zillions of Joe Smiths mixed up, hence the hold.

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