
Question about cats being out doors!! help?????

by  |  earlier

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ok, i just bought a kitten, but i have 2 dogs and a dog door, i cant afford one of those sensor dog doors, so im thining that eventually my new cat will get loose and go out the back yard, so i have two questions...

1. is there another way to keep my cat from going outside without buying the expensive dog door?

2. if my cat does go out side im worried it wont come there anyway that i can make sure it will come back?

thanks for all yoru help!




  1. Since you decided to get a cat and accept that responsibility, you need to know the plain truth. You can NEVER guarantee that a cat will return to it's home for a number of reasons. Someone like me might pick them up and take them home because it's wrong to let domestic cats roam the outdoors and irresponsible to boot, they might (god forbid) get run over or killed by another animal or contract a life threatening illness and a kitten is even more susseptible to those things. The best thing to do is remove the dog door or shell out the cash and get the sensor. You could be responsible for your cat's death if you disregard this issue.

  2. Cats thrive on being outside. they love the freedom and i think every cat should be allowed it. Until your cat is settled in i would keep it indoors, in another room so it doesn't sneak out and then when it is settled you can start to go outside in the garden with it. Take some little treats with you as well so if it runs off you can lure it back. It won't take long at all before it will go out and come back all on it's own. Although be aware that cat's are not faithful creatures. If they get a better offer they will take it. Mine did :(

  3. First of all this probably depends on what kind of dogs you have, but... I have two Labs... my male is about 100 lbs. and my cats get along fine with the dogs.  Just let the dogs smell of the cat while you hold it.  If they try to bite it, tell them no, or however you discipline your dog.  Light spank on the head, stern voice, whatever.  The kitten will probably hiss at first too, but they'll eventually be fine.  Just make sure their time together is always monitored when the kitten is young and they're just getting used to each other.  

  4. iv just got 3 kittens, well there nearly 5 months now, but we have a gate at our back door, so they couldnt really climb it when they was young, 2 of them went out after their second injection when they was supposed to, but the 3rd one didnt have the injections at the same time and went out b4 she was alloud, but my point is, i have 7 cats and all of them have come home as kittens, my kittens i have no have been goin out for anout a month or so now and dont leave the garden yet, you just have to let them go and they will come home (most of the time)

  5. When you are not able to watch her...can you put her in a different area of the house?  I don't know if your dogs are going out all the time or if it's like a every few can block it off or get a lock for they only go out every few hours.  If she gets out, shes new, she won't come home---maybe you should take her back until you find the solution........good luck

  6. If your cat is male and is not neutered there is a chance that he will wander and stay gone for days or weeks. If he is neutered he most likely not go anywhere. If the cat is female, again, if not spayed, may stay gone for days. Cats, however, are very intelligent and don't really get lost. They have amazing instincts and sense of direction. If your cat has been fixed and has grown up knowing where he/she gets its food and love, especially, he/she won't get lost. Also, cats raised inside don't tend to go far as opposed to a cat that has grown up outside.

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