
Question about chinchillas .how much do they cost and are they easy to take care of ??? ?

by  |  earlier

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i wanted a chinchilla for long time but my mom wasnt so sure about that

but now she agreed to get one or two

i did lots of research and ive found that sometime chins can be very nasty ( not friendly) my cousin has 3 of them and sometimes im taking care of them when shes out of town for long time but they mostly all the time i was bittne when i tried to touch one of them

so how much the whole set up will cost me ???

and where can i find chincillas for a bit less that at petstores ( cause they are over priced)

i want a mosaic or violet chinchilla




  1. VERY expensive and they are hard to take care of, lots of special stuff.

  2. since the answers above already talked about the things you need to get, i guess i'll tell you some other stuff.

    you should check online for local private sellers.

    like for me, i bought two chinchillas with a big cage, food, a lot of toys, and etc, all for about $125. this was because the current owner of the time had to move to another place that did not allow pets.

    so if you search online, you can actually find deals like these but make sure that before you buy the chinchillas from them, make sure they are healthy.

  3. well i currently have 3 chinchillas, two females that ive had for a few years now and a male that i rescued from a life of living in a 10 gal tank! chinchillas take alot of work, their cages need to be very large, they need lots of cage accessories and things to chew on (and a wide variety as well, my females have a genetic condition where they chew on their fur and giving them a wide variety of things to chew on and rotating them doesnt even make it fully go away >.<)

    in my opinion, they are pretty high mantinence pets, requiring dust baths several times a week (i prefer every other day at least for mine bc if i dont one of the females starts getting worse w chewing on her  fur) and i like to give mine hay at different times of the day 2 so theyre not bored while they dont have hay to munch on... idk theyre a pretty big commitment so hopefully you've had a pet before(???)

    anywho im just big in2 spoiling my chinchillas (probably bc the one female chews her fur quite a bit so im doing my best to do what i can for her and so far its been working^_^) and pet stores usually charge 100$ for a standard gray chinchilla, different colors are even more and breeder's prices dont get any cheaper (some will charge less for a standard gray though, but either way no chinchilla will come cheap unless u adopt from a humane society)

  4. Some chinchillas are more used to handling than others so that could be why your cousin's chinchillas can be nippy.Chinchillas aren't cuddly pets usually.They like to jump and ran around.It's just their nature so always keep that in mind.Set-ups for chinchillas aren't cheap.The cage usually costs quite a bit.I'd expect to spend $150 on the cage.It should be more than one level and it's best not to use cages that have plastic pans(they sometimes chew on them).Food,hay,a food dish,a water bottle,a hiding house,cage bedding and chew things will probably end up costing at least $65(although that amount could easily go up depending on nice of things you want to get for your chinchilla).A breeder might be less expensive than the pet store but to get a mosaic even from a breeder it'll probably cost you $120-$150 and a violet(the genes for breeding are recessive so it's not as easy to breed them)will most likely be $150-$200.Good luck with your search for a chinchilla.

  5. Chinchilla's make great pets. They are clean and don't' smell. I adopted ours and paid $50 but you can get them from a breeder from $50 and up depending on color and breeding. They are very easy to take care of but work does come into play.

    They eat chinchilla pellets and hay and like to chew on wood. Untreated kiln dried pine is the safe wood for them. They have a very delicate digestive system and you need to watch their diet. They love to run and are very fast so you need a safe place for them to play. They can jump at least 3 ft but with a good running start and a few aides (like walls) they can jump much higher.

    Please check out these website and do your research before you buy. Petfinder had many places with chinchilla's for adoption.

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