
Question about choosing what kind of teacher I want to be...

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I'm 25 and in the US Navy. The Navy is going to pay my way through college,and I have decided that I want to go to school for teaching high school. I'm just not sure what I want to teach. I was thinking of being a gym teacher because I love sports and fitness,but I'm not sure what the requirements are, and and if they pay less than other teachers. I also thought of teaching history or maybe writing. I just can't figure out what subject to teach!! Any advice on how to decide and what I need to take in college? Thank you for your time




  1. pick the 1 u like of course! dont care too much bout the pay! coz even though u choose the subject with the best pay, u wont last for long coz u dont like subject u teach! for me, i will pick english coz it is the international language n it is the most unique language of all! i hate maths! when i saw the numbers n all kind of stuffs, i will stress up!

  2. It does not matter what you teach, you will not get paid more because you teach PE and not history or something.  The only thing that will make a difference is ease of finding a job.  Sometimes certain subjects are harder to get jobs in than others because there are so many other people trying to get the same job because they have the same certification.  I would go with what you REALLY like to do though.  No matter what you are teaching, this world needs passionate teachers that love what they do.  As a future high school teacher, you will probably major in the subject area you choose and then have a minor in education, but universities vary so be sure to check with the guidance counselors in both departments (the education one and the subject one) to see what they say.  Good Luck!!

  3. dear friend, in general maybe i find these things which you've mentioned

    interesting, but sometimes through the day you prefer one thing which you

    feel that you have fun or relief you.think for future not in limited time, because it's your life, your days, i mean not addition time.

    so, chose your job to be happy all the time, as much as you can.

    i hope you good time.

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