
Question about college credits??

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I am transferring from community college to a university. They will not accept more than 60 credit hours from a community college towards my degree. I am at 53 hours right now. If I take a few classes over in order to get better grades will this take away from the hours that I have to transfer to the university or simply replace them hours wise. I know that they can still see how many times I took the class and what grade I got in the old class. But if I'm retaking classes will I still be at my same 53 hours. And If some of the hours that i did take actually dont apply towards my degree that I want at the university can I not use them in other words can I take even more hours at the community college that will transfer since many of the hours that I do have dont apply towards my future degree at the university? thanks in advance




  1. yes, you have to take 60hours of different classes. You can't just keep taking the same classes over and over, in most cases. Just transfer over and the university will weed through your classes and tell you what you need and don't need.  

  2. That is how the system works here in Colorado. A person may transfer 60 credit hours (64 if it is a business major).

    If you take the classes over they will not count towards your transfer hours and like you said, simply replace them. So you would still be at 53 hours.

    Only classes numbered 100 and above count towards transfer credit and only classes which are guaranteed transfer credits will transfer. So be careful what you take since not all classes will transfer. The admissions departments at your transfer school will determine what will be transfered based on your major. So only the classes which are relevant will be used.  

  3. Talk to an adviser at the college you are transferring to and see what credits will transfer to your program. Classes that are 100 or higher-ENG100- will transfer. If you did not flunk the class I would not worry about it.

    60 hours transfer that count toward your degree, so yes you can take more than 60. I have 2 degrees from a community college so we had 80 hours to choose from, but still only 60 transferred.

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