
Question about college swim teams?

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I began learning how to swim properly a few months ago, and I'm really enjoying it. I was thinking about how much fun it would be to be on my school's swim team, not for glamor or anything, just because I love swimming. But I imagine that everyone on college level teams have been swimming competitively for many years already?? What's the deal, should I still try out?




  1. the people on college teams are very competitive, and it's almost guaranteed that they've been swimming for years. you may want to see if your college has intramural sports to get started, and see how it is from there.

  2. most college siwm teams run on a scout/scholarship basis. they look for the best and try to buy them for the team. Sorry but getting on the team as a begainer is pretty much unheard of, but it depends on what kind of college you go too. If its a small privet college you might have a shot but if its a big IB legue or state college you odds are slim to nill sorry.  

  3. You may be able to make the team but if you don't they may also allow you to practice with them but not take part in any of the meets until you are good enough.  I am considering doing the same thing, I want to be on a dive team.  You should definitely try and atleast go to practice if you can.  I hope I can one day.

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