
Question about combining two tanks to one?

by  |  earlier

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So I am moving my fish from my 10 gallon into my new 30 and also my ones from my old 30 to my new 30 to make room for me to get some angels and rams in the other one. However, I was wondering if I did this right. I did 50% water changes to both aquariums and instead of emptying out the water combined them into the new 30 until it was about half full. Then I added some new water.

I then also took the filter pad from the 10 and set it in the filter for the 30 was this a good idea? Everything else in the tank was new.

I want to make sure all my fish live was this the right way to do this any ideas and suggestions on if I did something wrong or a better way to do things?




  1. I would have to say that you did very well combining the tanks and I don't see anything wrong. A suggestion that I would make though is to put the fish in plastic bags filled with their own tank water and place them in the new 30 gallon and let them sit in the bags for about 30 minutes to allow them to get used to the water and the tank and the new fish. They should have no problem adapting to the new tank.

    Good luck and I wish you well =)

  2. As long as your water parameters are about equal in both tanks (especially nitrates!) then you are good to go and you've got it well on it's way. If a fish has adjusted to having high nitrates in the tank and now it's suddenly low (or vice versa) then they can go into shock from the sudden change. Besides that as long as tempatures are close to what they're in now you're good to go.

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