
Question about computer repairs? I asked a question earlier about noises from the computer?

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0 LIKES UnLike;_ylt=Ao1C8944ZKOnm59Gg5_aBlwgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080828033120AA8oWde people are telling me that maybe i need a new cooling fan and that that they are not expensive. It's just that i've just had it 'repaired' ( new electrics and the fan dusted) but the guy said that if the problems start again i should just get a new computer as the parts for packard bell are really expensive. So if i need a new fan for it does it necessarily need to be Packard Bell brand? Is the guy right?




  1. He could be sort of right, if its the chip fan, the one inside the machine then you could have a problem in putting a fan on the chip. Many reasons for this but now for example if a machine is screwed up by dirt and or cigarette smoke varnish then you have a problem.

      Incidentally, in the UK now and I suspect the US if a machine suffers from the effects of cigaretts smoke then warranties could be voided. This problem gets a sticky muck all over the machine to which rubbish adheres thus making the noise. Disconnect the computer and take the side off and have a look!

  2. noise noise noise is cause by a fans in your computer, try examining every fans in your computer to make sure there is no wires or cables interfere the rotation of your fan.

  3. if you need a new fan it does not have to be packard bell brand. just figure out what size it is and go shopping. try places like tigerdirect or even ebay. I build alot of computers and you just want to make sure you shop around. also when it is making noise can you feel vibration in the whole case? if so try putting rubber feet on the bottom or setting the whole computer on something other then the shelf of the desk. I know people that have taken a small square of cardboard and placed it under each corner of the comp so it actually absorbs the vibration and stops making noise. especially after they have it serviced and the noise is still there. hope this helps.

  4. you probably do not necessarily need a packard bell part, but since packard bell has been out of business for a long time, the computer is probably pretty old...

    open your case and listen for the noise, it probably is a fan.

    touch the metal part of your case so if there is a static discharge, you will shock the metal, and not your circuit board.

    the fan is probably either a big case fan, or the smaller one on the CPU.

    this sounds crazy, but this is what you do:

    when the computer starts making the noise, gently press on the center hub of a fan, just for a second, just firmly enough to make it stop spinning for a second.  If the noise stops, you found the right fan.  measure the fan, it is probably some thing like 3"x3" or so, you can get replacement fans cheap, last time i bought some they were 10 for $10....

    if it is the CPU fan, it may be a bit more expensive, ebay, or radio shack may have a replacement, or maybe someplace like tigerdirect...

    if it is not a fan, it is probably either your CD drive or hard drive, they are probably standard IDE, so no big deal there- unless your hard drive is very old and small, like 850mb or something, in which case, you will have to find a vendor that sells older (probably used) hard drives, or maybe ebay.  Older computers get really confused when you try to put a hard drive in that has a larger capacity than what they can handle- some common limits are  528mb, 2.1gb, 4.2gb, and 8.4gb which are caused by limitations in operating systems or the bios.

    hope this helps!

  5. Sounds like a knocking hard drive. Get some shock absorbers for your hard drive or a specialist hard drive caddie.

  6. Noises don't start because you don't have a fan. Usually it's the fan that makes the most noise. They aren't expensive and are quite easy to install. Yes the guy is right. You can use any fan. It's just to keep things cooler inside

  7. packard bell will price you parts on their web site if you want that make other wise as long as connections are the same any other brands will do the appears that packard bell don't exist in the USA !!.from what some answerer's say.

    they are available in UK.

  8. Remember you could have more than one fan.

    I have one for the processor, one for the graphics card and one for the case.

    Just open the case and check the fans for fluff and dust, also make sure they are screwed down tightly.

    You do NOT need a Packard Bell fan. A fan is a fan, any make will do the job.

  9. No, and he is lying by saying Packard bell is expensive because all computers work with the same parts. The power supply,case and motherboard might be different but they don't fail as often. Buy new fans, but check what kind of connector the fans already use in your computer before you get one. Is it the one that connects to your power supply? and what size they are....

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