
Question about condoms?

by  |  earlier

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Does it matter about the lenght of the condom?

My condom leaves 2finger finger gap at the end but has space at the front for my C*m thats ok aint it? even though it hurts when i put it on but oh well as long as get the job done

Where can i get free condoms from? some websites dont work




  1. hahahahhaha.

    someone needs some growing up....

  2. the longer the better then you can wash them and reuse them.  just cut the tip off and put a knot in it for the next time.  also you can get them for free from hookers but the hooker is going to cost you

  3. i havent a clue what you mean....but yeah even if the legnth doesnt fit as long as it doesnt ride right up....and also get free condoms at GUM clinics, you know family planning clinics. good luck and have fun =]

  4. ???? If you're too cheap to buy your own condoms, don't have s*x! For crying out loud... women are expected to spend $45+/month for birth control and you can't pay $11 for a box of condoms that would last you a few months?

  5. Hi Darling,

                   That's OK as long as it doesn't come of (the condom LOL). But it's quite likely to if you forget about it and get carried away. If it stays on it's safe. You can get bigger condoms on line, I can't remember what they're called though, Maxim/Magnum?

                  As for free condoms, if you're in England you can get them from your doctors' surgery or a Family Planning Clinic.

    C x*x

  6. If you;re in the UK then family planning clinics at health centres will give you free condoms. Also, Brook give young people free advice, counselling and contraception - you should go and discuss your concerns with them.

  7. you shouldnt be having s*x if you dont even know how a condom works.

    how old are you 2?

  8. get it from your school councilor.

  9. it is supposed to come all of the way down i only know this because a health worker gave us demonstrations in school and if your looking for free condoms then they give you as many as you like at your local health clinic and there not embarrassingng or anything like that loads of people i know get them at the health clinic

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