
Question about cops and underage drinking? i'm going to be the party thrower...?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i'm 19 years old and my parents just left for the fourth. i live in a residential neighborhood of a small town. i'm planning on having a few friends over tonight, and i'm sure there will be drinking. if nobody goes outside and everyone who leaves is sober, is there any reason that the cops could come? also, if we were to get busted...what would my penalty be as the thrower? would i get a bigger fine than a minor?




  1. You also have to consider that, should anyone get drunk and wrap their car around a tree, you and your parents can be sued for this.

  2. The cops will not show up unless that have a reason.  Sober friends bumping to the party, sober friends yelling, sober friends doing burns outs.  Loud music in the house.  

    Last but not least, a rumor that your havin a party gets to the wrong person, like a friends parents.  Im sure they'd love to bust you out.

  3. the only reason they may come is because someone calls and tells them that you're having a party or your party and friends get to loud.  In NJ the fines are heavy for underage parties and yes you are an adult in the eyes of the court so it will be a bigger fine

  4. If the music isn't too loud and you don't draw attention to your house, the cops shouldn't have a reason to come. If you did get busted, you would get a much harsher penalty than a 17 year old. I don't, however, suggest having a party without your parents permission. They will almost certainly find out.

    If you do decide to go through with it, don't have too many cars. Too many cars draws attention to the house.

  5. yes and jail time

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