In my experience, a lot of people just don't like it. 80% percent of people when talking to me about my hair will say "Have you ever thought about straightening your hair? You should straighten your hair."
I just want to either say "Have you ever thought about minding your own business?" or "You mean like everybody else?"
When I straighten my hair just for a change people tell me my hair looks nice and that I should do it everyday. I'm not spending an hour just trying to get conformist hair.
Now 20% of people will say- "Wow, is this natural? It's so pretty, you should wear it down more often!" But that's only family, hairdressers, and a few random people. Definitely the minority.
My bottom line is why do curly haired people get grief for not having straight hair? Why do we have to conform to what everyone else looks like? Looks don't even matter, I just clean and comb my hair and I'm done with it because it's the easiest thing to do with it and I don't need to impress anyone.
Your thoughts?