
Question about curtsey/bowing and proper etiquette when meeting Royalty ?

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What should a TEENAGER do when meeting teenage royalty (if you are in your home country and they are visiting) ?




  1. This is the email address for the webmasters of the web site about the British Royal Family.  Ask them for the information, or where to find info on the web relating to your subject.

  2. Exactly the same as an adult would do when meeting adult royalty in that country, whatever the custom is. It is the teenage royal's privilege to then invite a more informal address if he/she so chooses.

  3. Bow

  4. Uasually a polite bob and address her as Ma'am, and your good. Honestly, they are not so concieted as to expect citizens of their host nation to know the proper ettiquite. If your meeting the royal in privet then they will brief you before hand. Just do your grand ma proud!

    Edited to add: I went and relearched this a bit for you, and basically it says that British Citizens are asked to use proper ettiquitte, but citizens of a foregin country are asked to use their own coustoms when a royal is visiting.

    In china they bow at the waist, so if the queen was visiting there then they would bow and not worry about curtsying ect.

    Hmm...did this make any since?

  5. Have deep respect for the is written.  But sacrifice not our faith.

  6. Others may disagree with me, but I don't think bowing or curtseying is necessary.  It would appear affected and overkill, since both of you are teens.   I believe it is proper to extend your hand in greeting, and address the royals by their respective titles, just as you would any visiting dignitaries from your own country.

  7. Unless you are a subject (i.e. citizen of the country said royal personages are from) etiquette/protocol does not require you to bow.  A simple handshake will suffice.

  8. say yo ****** and give em a high five?

    Probably a smaller bow/curtsy

  9. If you are an American,you don't have to bow or curtsy,but just shake hands. If you are from a country that recognizes royalty,you bow or  curtsy.It doesn't matter what the age of the persons are,but etiquette states that you address royalty by proper title,"Your Royal Highness," then "Sir" or "Ma'am," unless they request you address them by their proper names.

  10. Just curtsy and speak when spoken to

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