
Question about darfur?

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i just recently watched the film 'hotel rwanada' and i was traumatised ive been hearing some people say that 'whats happening in darfur is repeating history' can that really be happening again?! i know nothing about darfur and i was wondering if someone could give me a summary of what has/is happening there please im still in school so thats why i dont know anything about it. thank you!




  1. it'll be some other country after a while.

  2. Darfur is a region in the country of Sudan. the conflict bean in 2003 after a rebel group started attacking government targets. The rebels claim the government is oppressing black Africans in favor of Arabs. It's a balance between the nomadic Arabs and the Black farmers in at first a fight for land and now it's more of a racial genocide. The Sudanese government (which are Arab) hire a group call the Janjaweed which are men who ride into villages slaughtering men and raping women. As of September 2006, three years into this conflict, "no fewer than 200,000" have died. Imagine two years after this report how many have died now. The numbers just keep rising and we sit here doing nothing. This isn't just "Africa doing what it does" this is murder on a grand scale.

  3. What is happening in Darfur is similar to what happened in Rwanda. The Sudanese government are Arab Muslims and they are murdering the Christian farmers to steal their land.

    It's sad, but that is the way they do things in Africa. We must allow Africa to solve it's own problems, and not stick our noses in.
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