
Question about daycare and older children?

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My daughter is 10 years old. She goes to daycare before and after school because I work full time (I am a single mom).

At what age is it okay to have a child be home alone before and after school, or just after school for that matter. She would be home alone for probably 2-3 hours a day. We live out in the country (way way out in the country...our driveway is about 1/4 mile long and our nearest neighbor is about 1/2 mile away).




  1. The legal age for a child to be left at home alone is 12 years.

    14 if the child has to care for younger siblings.

    If you are having problems with your out of school care centre then you need to speak with the manager.

  2. the right age is 18 but if she could potentioly be rapped dont leave her alone or with male friends or with a couple

    get a gun and teach here how to use it and secure ur home

  3. The legal age is 12. That being said if you are that far from a neighbor I would wait until at least 13 or so. However it really depends on your daughter and her responsibility level and how well she is capable of dealing with situations. Also do you know your neighbors? Are they home during the time your daughter would be home? Would they help if she needed it? Those are all things to be considered also.

    Good Luck and hope this helps some!

  4. Last time I checked the legal age was 12, but because you live out in the country, I'd be worried...there is no one close to keep an eye out...for anything..ya know....I would go with 14 and I'd make sure she has a list of numbers to call if anything happens...But really it depends on how comfortable you feel with it....I started staying home at 11 when I was a kid.....but my friend won't let her 14 year old daughter stay home by herself....

  5. I don't think that age matters, it depends on the maturity of the child. But at 10 i would keep her in care for a bit longer yet. My niece is 10 and i know that she is not old enough to be left at home for more than a few minutes!

  6. At the age of thirteen it is alright to leave her alone and most day cares will not take her anymore at 13.  I would make sure that for the next couple years you teach her all she needs to know about safety so she will be ready when she is 13.  It is illegal to leave them alone before atleast the age of 12.  Each state is different.

  7. She has to be 12 years old. If she has any firends nearby maybe you could make out a deal with one of her friends parents... So you can just drop her off there & have her ride the bus to her friends house?

  8. Keep her in the care for as long as possible it is good socialization and its is safe.

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