
Question about dead grass?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to bring back my front lawn and it appears that there is some grass that can come back and some that I am not so sure about. The thing is, it appears to be a steady mixture of both dead and redeemable (meaning no particular patches). Kinda salt and pepper if you will.

So how do i get it all to come back. Obviously i dont want to pull all the grass out. I was going to overseed but am not sure if the dead stuff will go away. Will using an iron rake pull out the dead grass and leave the living? The dead grass is a dark brown color (almost gray). Any suggestions? Can this dead grass also come back to life?

Thanks for your time and consideration.




  1. i would rake to remove the dead grass than over seed however i would wait till fall to do this the seed will work in the dirt over the winter and grow in the spring

  2. it will be back as good as new in the spring don't waste your water for now.

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