
Question about deodorant?

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WHY do deodorants and sprays have to SMELL so much?! I have a perfectly good un-perfumed antiperspirant and it works exactly how I want it to, no stinky sweat.

Isn't the whole idea of deodorant to stop sweating, not to choke everyone in the room! Anyway, if you WASH, why do you need to smother yourself in stinking chemicals?!




  1. If you don't want the smell, use and anti-persperant.  Those should have little to no smell.  Deoderant is more scent oriented - aimed at masking the odor of BO.

  2. First off, deoderants and sprays aren't meant to stop sweat. Deoderant does exactly what it says: De(stop/no)-oderant(odour/smell). It gets rid of the smell. Antiperspirants stop the sweat.

    The reason deoderants are perfumed is to cover up the smell of sweat. Some people only sweat a little, so they don't really need antiperspirant, but the sweat will still smell a bit. It doesn't mean they're unclean, but you can't take a shower every five minutes. People naturally sweat.

  3. some people sweat alot more than most people. And others have a very foul smelling sweat. Thats why they use perfumed deodorant.

  4. Well you dont nesessarily have to smother yourself in perfume and/or smells of any kind, some people are actually allergic to them, some people dont need them and some people persperate more then others. If its the smell that bothers you, or if you dont want to bother anyone with smells, but oderless deodorant, or hairspray... even soap comes oderless.

  5. Washing with an antibacterial soap will kill the bacteria that make body odor in your pits, but when more bacteria grow, you'll have body odor again.  

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that for most people in the world, it is necessary to wash AND use anti-perspirant/deodorant to not smell under their arms.  Just washing is not enough, unless you can shower every few hours during the day.....

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