
Question about designing website for client?

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I am just starting out in the web design business, so I have a quick question. When I design a website for a client (using Dreamweaver), I should just set up web hosting through a company like, right? Then, once the site is being hosted through GoDaddy, then how does the client make changes to the site if they don't have Dreamweaver? I don't want the client to have to come to me every time they want to make a change.

Thank you SO much for any advice.




  1. Dreamweaver simply creates HTML and CSS code, which can be modified by hand. You don't absolutely need Dreamweaver to edit the resulting code.  

    Having said that, Dreamweaver produces absolutely awful code unless you write it by hand.  Your user won't be able to edit the code unless they are skilled at HTML. If that's the case, they wouldn't have hired you in the first place.

    If you're providing a basic web service, you're essentially committed to helping the clients with all updates.  If you want to make a system that allows the client to easily make their own updates, you'll need to switch to a content management system (Drupal or Joomla are very popular choices; Website baker is another easier alternative - all are free)

    With a content management system, you set up the initial page, but the user is responsible for keeping the data up to date. They're more difficult to set up than a standard page (you generally need at least a passing knowledge of XHTML, PHP, and Databases / MySQL) but in the long run they're definitely worth it.

    I'm really not fond of, by the way. The service is actually rather limited.  They tend to overcharge, and they add all kinds of ridiculous fees you don't need.  One of my clients was looking at a GoDaddy bill of $130 and I was able to find him a better server (at freehostia) that did everything the GoDaddy server does, with better reliabilty, and much cheaper.

    You're really going to struggle making a living with just Dreamweaver.  Most commercial sites now expect some kind of interactivty, so you'll really need to learn at least some of the programming stuff or hire a programmer.

    See my book for lots more details...

  2. They don't. This is the problem of designing sites using packages rather than proper programming. Then again even if no package is involved does the client have the ability or understanding to actual make changes. A client is a client for however long they run the site. If they didn't need you they would not have employed you in the first place. Charge for alterations but only AFTER the client is totally satisfied with the original site.

  3. Actually you do want them to come to you or else you'll always have to find clients to make money.

    With that said I suggest you put them into a free opensource product called DotNetNuke

    You will need to purchase Godaddys CHEAPEST hosting package and have them set it up for you. I'd recommend you calling Godaddy to walk you through this.

    Once the basic package is there. It has built in upload features, an online editor(FCKEditor) and more that lets the person do everything online. They can create pages dynamically and add menu links automatically without the need of a programmer. It has membership services and PayPal built in.

    There are also specialized packages/modules for sale if theres something that it doesn't have.


    There is nothing wrong with using Godaddy at all. They have live phone support to get you over the initial hard spots. Very few hosting services even publish a phone number.

    To clarify here: DNN is the software package placed ON the site. Godaddy would do that for you. There isn't a DNN site itself.

  4. 1) Most hosters have an Online Website Editing software if its based on basic HTML. They can use that.

    2) They can Download the website or few pages by FTP or Web Interface and then edit it using other softwares and then upload it again. Some hosters provide uploading a file in .zip format and then expanding it online. Same goes to download.

    3) Or they can use Adobe Contribute CS3

    Sorry for not giving that kind of solution but thats what I got in my mind.

    Additional Answer:

    All the techy people use Dreamweaver if they/we dont then probably we use Microsoft Front Page cos it comes with MS Office. Another one can be Kompozer , cos its free.

  5. You are going to have to set up the updates yourself whether you use side server code or a third party management system.

    Sure use dreamweaver, its the best tool you will come across then just coding it yourself.

    Also there is nothing wrong with godaddy either.

    All in all you seem like a baby beginner which is fine. If the client wants a simple site then godaddy hosting is fine and dreamweaver you should use.

    What kinda of content do you need to update?

  6. I think you are going about this a little backwards.  Here's why:

    1.) If you give your clients access to change their site via Dreamweaver they will s***w it up.  Your design will start to look terrible because they have their hands in the cookie jar as well.

    - Answer: Give them the ability to change PARTS of the site, but not the whole thing by any means.  Section it off and give them a CMS so they can make changes themselves.

    2.) You could get hosting through GoDaddy but in my experience their servers are not great.  Cheap yes, good ... no.  They don't offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to programming in PHP and that really gets my blood boiling because they are offering a huge shared box which means you can't have any custom configuration.

    - Answer: Find a different host that allows you the flexibility to change things when it's going wrong.

    3.) If you give them access then why would they come back to you?  You will get no residual income from them because they already have all their design needs met.  You have to make your clients and customers come back to you!

    What I advise you doing is contacting the company I work for Willetts Systems ( we can help you get affordable reliable hosting and we can even work with your client and you to setup a CMS system that will work.  Let me know if you would like my work e-mail.  We partner with other design firms that are in similar situations like yourself, we have been in the business for over 10 years and have developed over 800 domains.

    Talk to you soon,


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