
Question about digital voice recorder for EVP ?

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I am brand new this this type of investagation and bought a recorder today. The manual says if the recorder is left idle for three minutes, it will shut off automatically. I want to use it in a quiet room, but how do I keep it from shutting off after the three minute idle time. Also, any other advice will be helpful. Thank You.




  1. What kind of recorder do you have?  I can't imagine why it would shut off while recording.   Does it have a lock button on it, that may work to keep it running.   Personally I don't use voice activation just because some evp are so faint and the activation doesn't start until AFTER a noise is detected so you lose part of it.

  2. If you generate your own white noise you can use any recorder under the sun. A fan....whatever.

    I do not think you even need to invest into such a recording device . Edison heard things in a Phonograph.....

    In fact the true reason he designed it was for ghosts but people will argue this.

    All you need is a tape recorder....


    I think it may be preferred even , but I warn you when you open this sort of door it does not close

    You can always experiment if a boom box would work, after all no one has all the answers ...yet.

  3. I agree about the warning--you're inviting good and bad and things like this are more prone to get the lower levels. Plus you're just plain opening the door. It's like opening your front door and leaving it wide open and saying, "okay, if you're out there, come on in!" Without specifying exactly WHO can come in and without knowing how to keep all others OUT, you're kind of in for it.

    What you could do is specify on the tape recorder that you're leaving it there for your father--state his name--and ONLY your father, that no one else is allowed in. Sounds a bit too simplistic I know but really it works.

    What you could also do is ask your father to let you know some other way that he's with you. Is there a certain scent you associate with him? you'll smell is strongly when he's there. For example, whenever my grandfather is around her, my mother gets a strong smell of coffee, and neither her or her husband drink coffee anymore.

    Peace, love and light to you!

  4. You have to be careful when using an EVP you are inviting the spirit or spirits good or bad. It may change your personality or overall well being if you become too entangled in it. Just be careful.

  5. My friend was recording her answering machine message, and when she listened to it, there were people talking in the background even though nobody was there and the television was off. So if that works...

  6. Change the setting to voice activation.  that will help two ways.  It will keep you from listening to a bunch of gibberish that is neither hear nor there but you wont be wasting your batteries life.

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