
Question about diuretic? when do u need one?

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i have seen things like Diurex and things like that advertised and people always talk about taking a diuretic... my question is (forgive me if its silly) how do u know when u need one? i am under the impression that its for getting rid of water weight but how am i supposed to know if i have water weight or not? when are u supposed to take it?

is it only for during my period? because *knock on wood* i dont get bloated during my period so thats not an issue?


p.s a girl i went to HS with only drank water and apple juice for about a week before senior prom and was taking ridiculous amounts of diuretics and laxatives (can u say eating disorder?) but wouldnt drinking a ton of water cancel out the effect of a diuretic? if ur trying to flush the water out of ur system then why bother drinking any to begin with?




  1. you are correct - a diaretic is to help your body release water and as a result you sometimes lose weight with is.  Most of the time, people who have a circulation problem use a diaretic to help them with their legs and ankle swelling and to reduce water swelling around their joints.

    As for your friend in High School - she does have a problem.  It is great you recognize that it's a problem.  She was drinking water to put something in her stomach so she could cancel out the hunger feeling, not to flush her body.

  2. Hey, never take it without a doc prescription.. its very dangerous.. it removes water from ur body..but not only water..but it also removes many essential electrolytes that may cause serious problems. It may reduce pottassium which is very essential for dunctions of muscle and heart, if it is excessively removed then it may cause heart rhytm problems,weakness,confusion,unconciousne... and lot more.. so never never attemt diuretics for any silly cause.. its a very essential drug for patients of heart failure as it removes extra water and excessive work load on heart... but for normal people stay away from it.

    And about ur friend..she is suffering from anorexia nervosa..better she go to a pshychiatrist..never follow her.. she is leading herself to death... warn her...  

  3. You really never need a diuretic. Unless you have congested heart failure or massive fluid build up somewhere. But most people only use diuretics if they A) have an eating disorder or B)get severely bloated while pms-ing (and it usually doesnt help all that much).

    And no, drinking a ton of water is the most safe and natural having that much water in your body your kidneys will excrete a hormone that says to pee more, so not only will you pee out what you drank but a bit more, too, resulting in excess water loss.

    Use of diuretics when not needed could lead to electrolyte imbalances and dehydration.

    The crux of the matter is don't use it unless a doc tells you that you should.

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